
class FlowCytometryTools.PolyGate(vert, channels, region='in', name=None)[source]
__init__(vert, channels, region='in', name=None)[source]

Passes all events that are either inside or outside the polygon.

vert : list of 2-tuples
[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)] Each 2-tuple describes the location of a vertex.
channels : [‘channel 1 name’, ‘channel 2 name’]
Defines the names of the channels
region : [‘in’, ‘out’]
If ‘in’, the gate only passes through data that lies inside the interval.
name : str
The gate’s name.


__init__(vert, channels[, region, name]) Passes all events that are either inside or outside the polygon.
plot([flip, ax_channels, ax]) Plots the gate.
validate_input() Optional method to be defined by derived class to check whether user input was valid.


region The region of the gate that passes events.