
FCPlate.apply(func, ids=None, applyto='measurement', output_format='DataFrame', noneval=nan, setdata=False, dropna=False, ID=None)

Apply func to each of the specified measurements.

func : callable
Accepts a Measurement object or a DataFrame.
ids : hashable| iterable of hashables | None
Keys of measurements to which func will be applied. If None is given apply to all measurements.
applyto : ‘measurement’ | ‘data’
‘measurement’ : apply to measurements objects themselves. ‘data’ : apply to measurement associated data

output_format: [‘DataFrame’ | ‘dict’ | ‘collection’] noneval : obj

Value returned if applyto is ‘data’ but no data is available.
setdata : bool
Whether to set the data in the Measurement object. Used only if data is not already set.
dropna : bool
whether to remove rows/cols that contain no measurements.
ID : [None | str | numeric]
ID is used as the new ID for the collection. If None, then the old ID is retained. Note: Only applicable when output is a collection.

DataFrame/Dictionary/Collection containing the output of func for each Measurement.